Changing Majors

If changing majors within the Carl R. Ice College of Engineering
  1. See your current faculty adviser. Discuss your desire to change curriculum.
  2. Email Engineering Student Services ( to inform them which curriculum you are currently in (exiting) and the curriculum/college you would like to enter. Engineering Student Services will update your major and send an email to you. The departments you are exiting/entering will also be notified, so your advisor can be changed.
If changing from the engineering to another college at K-State —
  1. See current advisor. Discuss your desire to change curriculum.
  2. Email Engineering Student Services ( to inform them which curriculum you are currently in (exiting) and the curriculum/college you would like to enter. Engineering Student Services will update your major and send an email to you. The departments you are exiting/entering will also be notified, so your advisor can be changed.
If changing to engineering from another college at K-State —
  1. See your current adviser and discuss your desire to change curriculum.
  2. Email Engineering Student Services ( to inform them which curriculum you are currently in (exiting) and the curriculum/college you would like to enter. Engineering Student Services will update your major and send an email to you. The departments you are exiting/entering will also be notified, so your advisor can be changed.
If adding a second (dual) major —
  1. See your current adviser and discuss your desire to add a second major. Decide which one will be designated as your primary major.
  2. Email Engineering Student Services ( to inform them which curriculum you are currently in (exiting) and the curriculum/college you would like to enter. Engineering Student Services will update your major and send an email to you. The departments you are exiting/entering will also be notified, so your advisor can be changed.

For additional questions contact Engineering Student Services.

Fiedler Learning Commons
1093 Fiedler Hall