Mitchell L. Neilsen | Professor

Photo of Mitchell Neilsen

Ph.D. - 1992, Kansas State University
Computer Science
M.S. - 1989, Kansas State University

Computer Science
M.S. - 1987, Kansas State University
B.S. - 1982, University of Nebraska-Kearney
Mathematics Education

Contact information

2173 Engineering Hall
Personal Website

Professional experience

Mitchell Neilsen received master’s degrees in mathematics and computer science as well as a doctorate degree in computer science from Kansas State University. He began his professional career as an assistant professor in computer science at Oklahoma State University. In 1996, he returned to K-State as an assistant professor. He currently holds the rank of professor and serves as the graduate program director.


Neilsen’ s research activities are currently focused in the areas of cyber-physical systems, scientific computing – finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics with a focus on thermal battery modeling and dam safety research, mobile applications, and high-throughput phenotyping. His research projects are funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Sandia National Laboratories, the Department of Homeland Security and private industry.

Research keywords

Cyber-physical system, real-time embedded systems, scientific computing, distributed systems, high performance computing

Academic highlights

Neilsen has been active in integrating computer science into STEM disciplines at all levels, including several projects funded by the National Science Foundation. Such projects include Research Experiences for Undergraduates and Teachers Sites, Combined Research and Curriculum Development on real-time embedded systems, and, most recently, a GK-12 STEM Fellowship Program entitled INSIGHT: Infusing System Design and Sensor Technology in Education. He has received several awards for research and academic activities and is a strong proponent for integrating computing concepts into the K-12 curriculum.